Author Archives: stuartroadallotments


Our next AGM will take place on Sunday March 26th 2023, 10am

Waiting list opening!

The waiting list for plots will open on Sunday 16th October 2022. Residents who live within 3 miles of the site are eligible to apply for a place on the list. There is always a great demand for allotments and to try to be fair to all, we will use the following procedure:

We will hand out application forms at the BORLAND ROAD gate between 10 am and midday on 16th October. Please complete the form and return it to us whilst you are at the gate.
All completed forms will go into a hat and 60 will be drawn out of there and added to the waiting list. The remaining forms will be discarded. Applicants who were successful will be notified by email. If you haven’t heard from us within two weeks, this means you were not successful.

Note that if you do get onto the waiting list, there is generally at least a two year wait before a plot may come up as free.

If you have any questions, please email the Stuart Road allotment society email:

Allotment Waiting List, August 2022

The Waiting List is currently closed. If you want to be informed when it is next open please sign up to the website for news updates. More information can be found under the Waiting List tab.

Rent Due in September

Rent is due from all plot holders during September. You can pay at the Committee Room of the Hut every Sunday in September from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (ie, September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th).

Rent is £45 for a full plot and £22.50 for a half plot.  You can pay by cash, cheque or card.

Please remember your rent card!

Summer BBQ: Saturday, September 24th 2022

Our annual Summer BBQ will be held at the allotment on Saturday, September 24th from 12.30 pm to 4.00 pm. This event is for all plot holders and everyone is welcome.

Help is needed in the morning to set up gazebos, chairs, etc, and at the end of the day to take things down. Please let us know if you can help, but either way, do come along for the barbecue!
