Bee Group

Bee Group April 2015

We have split one of the hives and now have three hives and one  nuc (large polystyrene box in which to incubate young bees.) Two of the hives have eggs and queen cells and we’re hoping young queens will develop in both. The nuc also has a queen cell and three frames of stores and bees. We hope this will develop into a functioning hive.
Maintenance is continuing on the plot with more tidying up of trees and hedges.



Bee Group 2014


The bee group have moved one hive out to an apiary until the old winter bees die off and are replaced by the new queens’ progeny. The hive will then be moved back to the bee plot. We are going to research the cost of making hand cream fit for gardeners from the wax.

Local garden honey is on sale in Ayres the Bakers in Nunhead Lane.






The bee group had a very eventful year in 2010, amongst other things we:

Participated in workshops regarding bee health,

Acted as stewards and entered our honey into a competition at the National Honey Show,

Collected a swarm and re-hived it,

Re-queened a queen-less hive,

Split one colony of bees into two colonies.

We started off the year with one hive and have gone into winter with four.

The year has been a big learning curve for all.

Oh, and let’s not forget that our honey was “highly commended” at the National Honey Show,

Hoping our bees come through the Winter and looking forward to 2011.

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